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Annual Company Meeting
Saturday January 04, 10:00 AM
View the Calendar for more information.


The Stow Minuteman Company was reactivated in 1965 by order of the Stow Selectmen, to "preserve and perpetuate the memory and spirit of our forebears [and] promote an active interest in Revolutionary history."

Individuals and families are invited to join. Our membership portrays the colonial civilians of 1775, mainly
farmers and their families, who were in opposition to the recent acts of Parliament.

The Company attends a number of area parades, living history demonstrations, colonial fairs, and reenactments
throughout the year. Locally, we give demonstrations at the Stow schools, march in the Memorial Day Parade, and perhaps the highlight of the year, we reenact the trail march from Stow to the North Bridge in Concord along nearly the same route as the Stow Minutemen of 1775.



2018 Trail March (crossing North Bridge)

(Photo taken by Park Ranger Rick Lawson)

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